Our aim here at Medlar hatcheries is to produce birds of the highest standard. Biosecurity is of the upmost importance; this starts with the parent flock being vaccinated and kept to the highest of standards to make sure that the eggs produced are of the best quality possible. Once the eggs are picked, they are washed and disinfected to maintain our high standard of biosecurity. Throughout the hatching process the upmost care and attention is payed, to make sure we get the highest quality chicks and ducklings, so our customers get the best birds possible. 

Some of the birds we produce:
          - mallard ducks 
          - A wide range of pheasant breeds 
             Old English Black necks, 
             Plus, others 
          - Redleg Partridge 

We can provide day old birds or reared birds.


On the game farm we rear ducks, pheasants and partridge. Again, the biosecurity is kept to the highest of standards, to make sure the birds are of the greatest possible quality for our customers. Our husbandry is also kept to a supreme level throughout all of the stages, of rearing of the birds. The birds are all rear onto grass before they are ready to leave, making sure the birds are in prefect health and ready to be released. 
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